CIP Codes

Below you'll find Career and Technical Education (CTE) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes and Vocational codes (V-code).


CTE V-Codes are tied to the certification code and dictate the courses that a teacher is certified to teach. The teachers’ education or industry experience is reviewed to determine the V-codes for certification.

CIP Code

CIP Codes are federally accepted course codes that identify courses taught throughout the United States, including CTE courses. CIP codes are aligned to V-codes that clarify which courses the teacher has been certified to teach. CIP codes are also used for reporting purposes from the district to OSPI. See the 2023-24 CIP Code Chart for more information.

Please Note: Nontraditional Gender Identification indicates CTE Courses designated as preparing students for non-traditional fields based upon the indicator on the CIP code chart, and the student’s gender.

  • M= Male
  • F= Female
  • U= Undefined
CIP Code State Code V-Code Course Name Cluster Pathway CTSO Program Area Nontraditional Gender Identification Exploratory or Preparatory CIP Course Description
148888 210248 V600097 Engineering Cooperative Worksite Experience Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) All Within Cluster STEM U E A learning experience in Engineering in which the student has completed or is concurrently enrolled in a Career and Technical Education course that is related to the cooperative experience placement. Cooperative worksite learning experiences must be a direct extension of a qualifying class and should be connected to the student’s high school and beyond plan. WAC 392-410-315 outlines regulations for granting credit for cooperative work-based learning experiences. (Minimum 360 Hours = 1 Credit)
149991 21004 V141000,
Engineering Design 1 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) All Within Cluster STEM U E A course that teaches problem-solving skills using a design development process. Models of product solutions are created, analyzed and communicated using solid modeling computer design software. In New York State, the course is called Design and Drawing for Production and follows the syllabus developed by the State Education Department. (Aligns with Project Lead The Way course "Introduction to Engineering Design.")
149992 21005 V141000,
Engineering Design 2 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) All Within Cluster STEM U E A course that helps students understand the field of engineering/engineering technology. Exploring various technology systems and manufacturing processes help students learn how engineers and technicians use math, science and technology in an engineering problem solving process to benefit people. The course also includes concerns about social and political consequences of technological change. (Aligns with Project Lead The Way course "Principles of Engineering.")
149993 21006 V141000,
Engineering Design 3 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) All Within Cluster STEM U E An engineering research course in which students work in teams to research, design and construct a solution to an open-ended engineering problem.
149994 21047, 21997, 21998 V141000,
Introduction to Science Research in Engineering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) Science and Math STEM U P This capstone course gives student teams the opportunity to work with a mentor, identify a science research topic, conduct research, write a scientific paper, and defend team conclusions and recommendations to a panel of outside reviewers. Each team will have one or more mentors from the scientific and/or medical community guiding their scientific research. This course may be combined with the capstone course from the pre-engineering pathway, allowing students from both pathways to work together to engineer a product that could impact healthcare. (Aligns with Project Lead The Way course "Engineering Design and Development.")
149995 21007 V141000,
Introduction to Engineering Technology Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) Science and Math STEM U E This course provides project-based learning—a hands-on approach for the full-range of students for grades 6 – 8 classrooms and that relates technology to students' daily lives. It also promotes communication and collaboration by emphasizing a teaming approach in the instructional units while offering students learning challenges at all ability levels. (Aligns with Project Lead The Way course "Gateway to Technology")
149996 21010 V141000,
Introduction to Computer Integrated Manufacturing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) Science and Math STEM U P A course that applies principles of CAD design and builds on computer solid modeling skills developed in Introduction to Engineering Design, and Design and Drawing for Production. Students use CNC equipment to produce actual models of three-dimensional designs. Fundamental concepts of robotics used in automated manufacturing, and design analysis are included. (Aligns with Project Lead The Way course "Computer Manufacturing.")
149997 21008 V141000,
Digital Electronics Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) Science and Math STEM U P A course in applied logic that encompasses the application of electronic circuits and devices. Computer simulation software is used to design and test digital circuitry prior to the actual construction of circuits and devices. (Aligns with Project Lead The Way course "Digital Electronics")
149998 21055 V141000,
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) Science and Math STEM U P Through hands-on engineering projects developed with NASA, students learn about aerodynamics, astronautics, space-life sciences, and systems engineering.
150201 21012 V141000,
Introduction to Civil Engineering and Architecture Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (15) Science and Math STEM F P This course provides an overview of the fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture, while emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of both fields on each other. Students solve real world problems and communicate solutions to hands-on projects and activities.