Personnel Qualifications Guidance

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The purpose of this page is to assist districts and schools in understanding options available to them under WAC 392-172A-02090 Personnel Qualifications when they are unable to recruit and hire individuals who have a special education endorsement. This page also includes the Special Education Preendorsement Authorization (SEPA) application and personnel qualifications technical assistance resources.

Last Resort Staffing Options for Special Education

There are two last resort staffing options that districts can use to staff a special education position when they are unable to recruit and hire an individual with a special education endorsement, the temporary out of endorsement assignment and the Special Education Preendorsement Authorization (SEPA). 

Temporary Out of Endorsement Assignment

The temporary out of endorsement assignment is completed entirely at the district level and is available to an individual who has completed six semester hours or nine quarter hours of coursework applicable to one or more of the Washington state special education teaching certificates.

**NOTE** Individuals with a Temporary Out of Endorsement Assignment may be assigned to the role of a special education teacher but a special education endorsed individual within the district must review and monitor the IEPs of the students.

To learn more about the Temporary Out of Endorsement Assignment, please review the Special Education Personnel Qualifications and Preendorsement Authorization: Common Questions and Answers for Districts.

Special Education Preendorsement Authorization

The Special Education Preendorsement Authorization requires the completion of an OSPI application and is available to an individual who is a certified teacher who has completed two hundred forty clock hours (or the equivalent of 24 quarter OR 16 semester credits) applicable to one or more Washington state special education teaching certificates. The remaining credits and all endorsement requirements must be completed within three years of service as a special education teacher (WAC 392-172A-02090).

To learn more about the Preendorsement Authorization process, please review the Special Education Personnel Qualifications and Preendorsement Authorization: Common Questions and Answers for Districts.