Marzano’s Teacher Evaluation Model

Marzano Approved Trainers

See a list of Marzano Approved Trainers.

Contact Information

All documents below use the “New Art and Science of Teaching” (NASOT) framework. Please see the updated Marzano Washington State TPEP Framework infographic and the Marzano Washington State TPEP Framework video for an explanation of the changes, which are minor. Re-training for evaluators or teachers who have previously participated in Stage I/Stage II or the Teacher Overview is not necessary.

The language for Washington's Marzano Framework is based on The New Art and Science of Teaching (2017) and other educational meta-research conducted and published by Marzano Resources. Further information can be found on the Marzano Resources website.

Specific Learning Environment Resources
Optional Focused Evaluation Forms

Framework Author: Tina Boogren